Europe vs. South Africa

So being my first time abroad, there were a lot of preconceptions that had =
to be experienced first hand. The tubes in London, while convenient, are =
terrible. Peak hour we had to pass over 2 trains before forcing our way =
onto the 3rd. I like my personal space. The Metro in Paris in my opinion is =
much simpler to navigate. I have not yet seen it during rush hour.

Europe is expensive! Most sights average 8-12 Euro to get into. Food here =
probably costs double in the equivalent rand value.

Paris traffic is scary! They have round abouts that can take 5 lanes of =
cars (not that anyone sticks to them). Traffic entering the circle has =
right of way. This creates much excitement. Indicators are seldom used. =
When you park you must leave your hand break down, this is so cars on =
either side of you can “gently” push your car so they can get out of their =
spot! It is no wonder most cars have dents in them.

Grafitti, the scourge of our society is as prolific here as in South =
Africa, what a terrible eyesore. In Paris there seems to be trend in =
tagging panel vans. I spotted a number of them that had been defaced.

Everyone says the french. are rude. We must have been fortunate not to run =
into them. We got help with directions from a very nice couple and most of =
the shopkeepers and hotel staff were frendly to us.

So far I like Europe but not enough to want to stay in it. What I do like =
is how easy it is to get to places and how much there is to see and =
experience. While you still have to be alert to pick pockets, I have =
generally felt safe everywhere.